CBD For Dogs And Cats

250+ mg cannabinoids per ounce. There is evidence that CBD is also effective for reducing seizures in cats. If people used recreational hemp products, that was not correlated," Kogan said. CBD is a natural, safe, effective, non-prescription treatment for pets, and completely legal. It's not a medication, but Australian-listed company, Creso Pharma, has registered a hemp-based product that you can feed your pets to help them with chronic stress and ageing.

That's why the benefits of this hemp oil from Healthy Pets should really be shouted from the rooftops as it is just so effective at reducing the pain caused by arthritis in dogs. In addition to using non-GMO and organic hemp for their full spectrum CBD oil, they offer third party lab testing on the site for every batch.

The cannabis oil is liquid derived from the marijuana plant. For further clarification, hemp and marijuana both come from the cannabis plant but contain different levels of THC. Take into account your dog's weight, size and activity level — these factors can help you determine how your dog will metabolize CBD (and other medications).

Understanding the political, ethical, and scientific implications of anxiety relief using medical cannabis and hemp in animals is more urgent than ever, and there's a lot to unpack. The most common method for delivering CBD oil to pets is through what's known as a sublingual tincture.

For example, if your cat is afraid of traveling with you in the car, CBD oils can help ease their fear. Plus, if you aren't satisfied with this product Omega Pet have a ‘Love it or Free' policy so you can get your money back if you don't see the positive results you expected in your dog.

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